Home Music Thoughts


A full re-write of this site is in the works, I am going to try and keep all the content but move it to a new looks, stay tuned!


Thank you for checking this page out! It means a lot to me. Well wishes to you dear reader!

A Bit about Me

Hello, Im Termite! A musician and member of the Otherkin (Particularly Therian) Community, active with several VR Communities and Groups for Event hosting. I make mostly Electronic Music in my free time but enjoy making and listening to other things as well. I have tried to make my own games before but have trouble doing it alone, though that's how I found my love for coding. Aside from that I enjoy learning about tech and software, and often find myself lost in reading and/or watching game lore for my silly little RPGs and FPS games.
I hope anybody who took the time to read this has a wonderful day!


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PartlyTermite, or Termite, is a music producer of about 5 years. Looking for a fresh start with a clean plate.
Termite is They/Them and is proudly queer.




Image of Termite infested wood with the label 'The rot consumes wirtten over it'


MostlyAlive © Termite
Design by Almost Sweet